Advice to whoever Reads so Called Qur’an Translations
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Praise be to God the Creator of the world, the One Who exists without beginning, without end, without location , without a “how” and Who does not depend on time. Nothing resembles Him in anyway and He hears and sees everything without organs. Whatever you imagine, God is different from that. May the elevation in degree and preservation of his community of what he fears for it, be granted to our master Muḥammad Al-‘Amin, the Honest One, who called for following Islam, the religion of truth, the religion of all the Prophets: of the First, Adam, to the last Muḥammad.
Bismi l-Lâh wal Hamdu li-lLâh wa S-Salâtu wa s-salâmu `alâ Rasulillah, May Allâh grant us the sincere intentions and a good ending.
Let it be known that Allâh exists eternally before place or directions. Allâh is the creator of everything,He does not resemble anything and never is in need of anything. Allâh is not in one place and is not in every place - and the question “where” does not apply to Allâh.
If anyone had a belief contrary to what has been stated, then let them repent and immediately take the Testification of faith.
Remember that Allâh does not need our worship and is not harmed by our disobedience.
We believe in every âyah of the Qur’an just as it was revealed, but what we object to is the mistranslations produced by many others under the claim that they are trying to help others by teaching them about Islam.
An ignorant person, many times he tries to do something good, but all that he ends up doing is something bad. Also take note that the distribution of so-called translations of the Qur’ân is not how Islaam was spread.
The Prophet Salla l-Lâhu `alayhi wa sallam did not just order for parts of the Qur’an or for the whole of the Qur’an to be distributed amongst the Arabs - even though the Qur’an was revealed in their language.
Rather the Muslims taught the non-Muslims about Islaam and as a result many thousands embraced this beautiful religion.
Likewise the millions who embraced Islaam in Indonesia and Malaysia did not embrace Islaam by the Qur’an just being distributed amongst them in their language. Rather it was through the good practices of the knowledgeable Muslim traders who visited those places.
To clarify further, Ahlus-Sunnah affirm that Allâh is attributed with the Arabic term Yad, but do not accept that it is correct to translate this as “a Hand” or "Wajh" as a face! Because that’s changing the attributes of Allâh from meanings to organs, and Allâh is clear from being a body or having organs.
Likewise we do not accept that it is permissible to attribute Allâh with laughing, descent, shins etc, which are specific attributes of the creation and not the Creator – to attribute Allâh with attributes such as laughing is kufr and these blasphemous statements are evident in the footnote of a widespread so-called translation of the Qur’aan produced by so called salafis or wahhabies. One of the heads of this organisation their favorite Sheikh[ibn Baaz] bluntly claimed that Allâh has a limit, but only Allâh knows His limit – and this is explicit blasphemy.
Likewise to say that “Allâh has a face but not like our face” or to say, “Allâh has a son, but not like our sons” is blasphemy.
Note that the previous statements are not the same as saying “Allâh has knowledge but not like our knowledge”.
One can say “Allâh has knowledge” and stop at that, but one cannot say “Allâh has a son” or “Allâh has a Face” – and to subsequently say, “but not like our son or face” does not clear them of their blasphemy.
In Summary, the Wahhaabies, who claim to be Muslims, hold kufr beliefs about Allâh and these are clearly manifested in their so-called translations that appear in the English language.
It is not acceptable in the name of unity to say that we should not warn against such people.
If someone was deceiving one’s father in what pertains to the worldly issues, it is not acceptable for one to remain quiet.
It is more so not acceptable to remain quiet about those who are deceiving and misguiding others in relation to their religion.
The unity that is encouraged in the religion is not acquired by uniting in that which contradicts the fundamentals of belief, but uniting on what agrees with the rules of the religion.
It is not an obligation on every Muslim to know the meanings of every aayah and every hadeeth.
Thus if someone asks one about a text that they claim has a meaning attributing human attributes to God, then it is sufficient to tell them that their interpretation is not valid and that you will ask and get back to them about the correct interpretation.
If a person has even one incorrect belief about Allâh, such as thinking that Allâh has a shin or shins, then that person is a kaafir.
The Wahhaabies attribute Allâh with many human attributes and thus they are not considered as Muslims.
Their widely distributed so-called translations illustrate this clearly.
In their interpretation of Surah Al-Baqarah (S2) Verse 115, they add comments to delude people into thinking that Allâh is above the throne
The Wahhaabies on one hand claim that it is invalid to interpret verses of the Qur’an metaphorically, but at the same time in relation to verses that they think imply that Allâh is everywhere, they interpret them in a metaphorical way (see their interpretation of Surah Al-Hadeed (S57) Verse 4 and their addition of the phrase "by His Knowledge" - this part of the verse indeed means Allâh Knows about us wherever we are) and in relation to verses that support their anthropomorphist views, they take them literally (e.g. their interpretation of Surah Al-Qalam (S68) Verse 42 .
This shows their insincerity and misguidance. Another example of their deception in relation to the religious texts is their failure to translate a narration in Bukhaariyy which goes against their ill creed. If someone were to take aayah 88 of Surat Al-Qasas (S28) according to one of its apparent literal meanings, he would say, it means everything vanishes except for the face of Allâh, and clearly this is not an acceptable translation.
Al-Bukhaariyy interpreted it by saying, "illâ mulkahu". Which means: "the dominion of Allâh does not vanish", so he interpreted by making ta’weel to "wajh" by meaning dominion.
If one were to imagine a person who translates idioms like: “give me a hand” or “he is pulling your leg” into languages other than English one would notice obvious errors in communication and so these terms would not be taken literally, rather the meanings of these terms would be translated.
Many people ignore such basic considerations when translating religious texts into the English language.
The Wahhaabies whilst giving the illusion to the reader that they are actually translating what Imam Al-Bukhaariyy compiled, they in fact fail to translate fully what appears in the Arabic text – namely that “everything will perish except for the Dominion of Allâh”.
This deliberate failure to translate the words of Al-Bukhaariyy is a clear deception on the part of the Wahhaabies and an illustration of the danger of relying on so-called translations.
May Allâh protect us from being misguided and misguiding others.
These are examples from a popular so-called translation of the Qur`aan illustrating the dangers of not learning properly and relying on such texts.
Note: sincerity alone is not enough. Example, an idol worshipper does not think he is doing kufr whilst worshipping his hand made idol.
Every sincere endeavour is not rewardable – rather what is rewardable and acceptable is that which complies with the rules of the religion.In conclusion, it is very clear that not only are the Wahhaabies misguided, but they are not actually sincere in what they do.
Sadly some people find it difficult to accept the fact that these blasphemous statements have been uttered by some famous personalities.
However, one should place all such concerns aside and first of all look at the issue at hand.
One of the great companions said: ‘The people are known by the truth; the truth is not known because of who the people are’ - ‘know the truth and you will know the people of truth’.
Thus the purpose of this endeavour is not motivated by a wish to cause fitnah in the community.
The purpose is to protect it from fitnah and to educate the people so as to enable them to judge the right from the wrong.
If the bad things are left without warning against them then they spread. And Allâh Knows Best.
Imaam Abu Ja`far At-Tahawiyy The true salafiyy said what means:
"Whoever attribute to Allâh an attribute of the creation is judged as Blasphemer (Kaafir)."